====== Afficheur défillant à matrices de 8*8 LED ====== C'est un petit test fait à l'arrache mais avec brio et toute berzingue par Remy et Josselin. Du coup on a commandé une palanqué de resistances pour les LEDs. On va aussi tenter de soigner la police de caractères, finir le montage sur breakboard et lancer le design que qqch bien packagé avec un zoli PCB. ===== Le point de départ ===== lien : [[http://www.blogule.net/index.php/2016/01/30/scrolling-sur-matrice-a-led/|Scrolling sur matrice à LED]] sur le site blogule.net . Merci M. Blogule.net ! ===== Le premier jet en image =====

Petit test d'affichage ! 😀 @web5_fablab pic.twitter.com/9aDGFEMut9

— Alegri Rémy (@wootou) 17 novembre 2016
===== Le premier jet en code ===== #include unsigned char col[8]={2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // pins for columns unsigned char row[8]={10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17}; // pins for rows unsigned char refreshRow=0; // set index unsigned char lastRefreshRow=7; // for the refresh unsigned int scrollIndex=0; // render starting column in bigMatrix bool matrix [8] [8]; // image of the screen bool bigMatrix [112] [8]; // image of complete message // character set unsigned char carSp[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // Space unsigned char carEx[8]={24,24,24,24,24,0,24,0}; // ! unsigned char carH[8]={102,102,102,126,102,102,102,0}; // H unsigned char care[8]={0,0,60,102,126,96,60,0}; // e unsigned char carl[8]={56,24,24,24,24,24,60,0}; // l unsigned char caro[8]={0,0,60,102,102,102,60,0}; // o unsigned char carw[8]={0,0,198,214,214,254,108,0}; // w unsigned char carr[8]={0,0,216,108,96,96,240,0}; // r unsigned char card[8]={28,12,124,204,204,204,118,0}; // d unsigned char carF[8]={254,98,104,120,104,96,120,0}; // F unsigned char cara[8]={0,0,120,12,124,204,118,0}; // a unsigned char carb[8]={224,224,124,102,102,102,188,0}; // b unsigned char car5[8]={126,98,96,60,12,108,60,0}; // 5 // fablab_web_5 void setup() { Timer1.initialize(2500); // initialize the timer to refresh the screen (in microsecond) test_matrix(10); // do a matrix led test // write message " Hello world !" in BigMatrix table char2BigMatrix(carSp,0); // [Space] char2BigMatrix(carF,8); // F char2BigMatrix(cara,16); // a char2BigMatrix(carb,24); // b char2BigMatrix(carl,32); // l char2BigMatrix(cara,40); // a char2BigMatrix(carb,48); //b char2BigMatrix(carSp,56); // [Space] char2BigMatrix(carw,64); // w char2BigMatrix(care,72); // e char2BigMatrix(carb,80); // b char2BigMatrix(carSp,88); // [Space] char2BigMatrix(car5,96); // 5 char2BigMatrix(carEx,104); // !( Timer1.attachInterrupt(refresh_matrix); // rely interruption to refresh_matrix function and start the timer } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: bigMatrice2matrice(scrollIndex); // take 8 columns of bigMatrix and send them to matrix scrollIndex+=1; // shift one column for next call if(scrollIndex>111){ // if end of big matrix reached scrollIndex=0; // return to start } delay(100); // delay in ms between one column scrolling } void init_matrix(){ // set power for each rows and columns for (int i=0;i<8;i++){ pinMode(col[i],OUTPUT); digitalWrite(col[i],HIGH); pinMode(row[i],OUTPUT); digitalWrite(row[i],LOW); } } void test_matrix(int lasting){ // light up each led alternatively init_matrix(); for (int y=0;y<8;y++){ digitalWrite(row[y],HIGH); for (int x=0;x<8;x++){ digitalWrite(col[x],LOW); delay(lasting); digitalWrite(col[x],HIGH); } digitalWrite(row[y],LOW); } } void char2BigMatrix(unsigned char character[8],unsigned char colInsert){ // insert a character in specified column of bigMatrix for(int x=colInsert;x7){ refreshRow=0; lastRefreshRow=7; }else{ lastRefreshRow=refreshRow-1; } } void bigMatrice2matrice(unsigned int colStart){ // copy part of bigMatrix to matrix for(int x=0;x<8;x++){ for(int y=0;y<8;y++){ if (x+colStart>111){ colStart=-x; } matrix[x][y]=bigMatrix[x+colStart][y]; } } }