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projets:afficheur-defilant [2019/03/12 19:52]
projets:afficheur-defilant [2020/12/11 18:45] (Version actuelle)
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 +====== Afficheur défillant à matrices de 8*8 LED ======
 +C'est un petit test fait à l'​arrache mais avec brio et toute berzingue par Remy et Josselin.
 +Du coup on a commandé une palanqué de resistances pour les LEDs. On va aussi tenter de soigner la police de caractères,​ finir le montage sur breakboard et lancer le design que qqch bien packagé avec un zoli PCB.
 +===== Le point de départ =====
 +lien : [[http://​www.blogule.net/​index.php/​2016/​01/​30/​scrolling-sur-matrice-a-led/​|Scrolling sur matrice à LED]] sur le site blogule.net . Merci M. Blogule.net !
 +===== Le premier jet en image =====
 +<​blockquote class="​twitter-video"​ data-lang="​fr"><​p lang="​fr"​ dir="​ltr">​Petit test d&#​39;​affichage ! 😀 <a href="​https://​twitter.com/​web5_fablab">​@web5_fablab</​a>​ <a href="​https://​t.co/​9aDGFEMut9">​pic.twitter.com/​9aDGFEMut9</​a></​p>&​mdash;​ Alegri Rémy (@wootou) <a href="​https://​twitter.com/​wootou/​status/​799382997682139136">​17 novembre 2016</​a></​blockquote>​
 +<script async src="//​platform.twitter.com/​widgets.js"​ charset="​utf-8"></​script>​
 +===== Le premier jet en code =====
 +<code c>
 +#include <​TimerOne.h>​
 +unsigned char col[8]={2,​3,​4,​5,​6,​7,​8,​9};​ // pins for columns
 +unsigned char row[8]={10,​11,​12,​13,​14,​15,​16,​17};​ // pins for rows
 +unsigned char refreshRow=0;​ // set index
 +unsigned char lastRefreshRow=7;​ // for the refresh
 +unsigned int scrollIndex=0;​ // render starting column in bigMatrix
 +bool matrix [8] [8]; // image of the screen
 +bool bigMatrix [112] [8]; // image of complete message
 +// character set
 +unsigned char carSp[8]={0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0};​ // Space
 +unsigned char carEx[8]={24,​24,​24,​24,​24,​0,​24,​0};​ // !
 +unsigned char carH[8]={102,​102,​102,​126,​102,​102,​102,​0};​ // H
 +unsigned char care[8]={0,​0,​60,​102,​126,​96,​60,​0};​ // e
 +unsigned char carl[8]={56,​24,​24,​24,​24,​24,​60,​0};​ // l
 +unsigned char caro[8]={0,​0,​60,​102,​102,​102,​60,​0};​ // o
 +unsigned char carw[8]={0,​0,​198,​214,​214,​254,​108,​0};​ // w
 +unsigned char carr[8]={0,​0,​216,​108,​96,​96,​240,​0};​ // r
 +unsigned char card[8]={28,​12,​124,​204,​204,​204,​118,​0};​ // d
 +unsigned char carF[8]={254,​98,​104,​120,​104,​96,​120,​0};​ // F
 +unsigned char cara[8]={0,​0,​120,​12,​124,​204,​118,​0};​ // a
 +unsigned char carb[8]={224,​224,​124,​102,​102,​102,​188,​0};​ // b
 +unsigned char car5[8]={126,​98,​96,​60,​12,​108,​60,​0};​ // 5
 +// fablab_web_5
 +void setup() {
 +Timer1.initialize(2500);​ // initialize the timer to refresh the screen (in microsecond)
 +test_matrix(10);​ // do a matrix led test
 +// write message " Hello world !" in BigMatrix table
 +char2BigMatrix(carSp,​0);​ // [Space]
 +char2BigMatrix(carF,​8);​ // F
 +char2BigMatrix(cara,​16);​ // a
 +char2BigMatrix(carb,​24);​ // b
 +char2BigMatrix(carl,​32);​ // l
 +char2BigMatrix(cara,​40);​ // a
 +char2BigMatrix(carb,​48);​ //b
 +char2BigMatrix(carSp,​56);​ // [Space]
 +char2BigMatrix(carw,​64);​ // w
 +char2BigMatrix(care,​72);​ // e
 +char2BigMatrix(carb,​80);​ // b
 +char2BigMatrix(carSp,​88);​ // [Space]
 +char2BigMatrix(car5,​96);​ // 5
 +char2BigMatrix(carEx,​104);​ // !(
 +Timer1.attachInterrupt(refresh_matrix);​ // rely interruption to refresh_matrix function and start the timer
 +void loop() {
 +  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
 +bigMatrice2matrice(scrollIndex);​ // take 8 columns of bigMatrix and send them to matrix
 +scrollIndex+=1;​ // shift one column for next call
 +if(scrollIndex>​111){ // if end of big matrix reached
 +  scrollIndex=0;​ // return to start
 +delay(100); // delay in ms between one column scrolling
 +void init_matrix(){ // set power for each rows and columns
 +  for (int i=0;​i<​8;​i++){
 +  pinMode(col[i],​OUTPUT);​
 +  digitalWrite(col[i],​HIGH);​
 +  pinMode(row[i],​OUTPUT);​
 +  digitalWrite(row[i],​LOW);​
 +void test_matrix(int lasting){ // light up each led alternatively
 +    init_matrix();​
 +    for (int y=0;​y<​8;​y++){
 +  digitalWrite(row[y],​HIGH);​
 +  for (int x=0;​x<​8;​x++){
 +    digitalWrite(col[x],​LOW);​
 +    delay(lasting);​
 +    digitalWrite(col[x],​HIGH);​
 +  }
 +  digitalWrite(row[y],​LOW);​
 +  }
 +void char2BigMatrix(unsigned char character[8],​unsigned char colInsert){ // insert a character in specified column of bigMatrix
 +  for(int x=colInsert;​x<​colInsert+8;​x++){
 +    for(int y=0;​y<​8;​y++){
 +      bigMatrix[x][y]=!(bitRead(character[y],​7-(x-colInsert)));​
 +    }
 +  }
 +void refresh_matrix(){ // draw matrix state on physical leds
 +  digitalWrite(row[lastRefreshRow],​LOW);​
 +  for (int i=0;​i<​8;​i++){
 +    digitalWrite(col[i],​matrix[i][refreshRow]);​
 +  }
 +  digitalWrite(row[refreshRow],​HIGH);​
 + ​refreshRow++;​
 + if (refreshRow>​7){
 + ​refreshRow=0;​
 + ​lastRefreshRow=7; ​
 + ​}else{
 +  lastRefreshRow=refreshRow-1;​
 + }
 +void bigMatrice2matrice(unsigned int colStart){ // copy part of bigMatrix to matrix
 +  for(int x=0;​x<​8;​x++){
 +    for(int y=0;​y<​8;​y++){
 +      if (x+colStart>​111){
 +        colStart=-x;​
 +      }
 +      matrix[x][y]=bigMatrix[x+colStart][y];​
 +    }
 +  }