Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

bCNC - AutoLevel

1.Nettoyez la face cuivre du PCB

Avec de la laine de verre ou un papier abrasif, genre 400.

2. Fixez le PCB sur le martyr

Le PCB doit être maintenu bien à plat. Utilisez des brides. Le double face fonctionne aussi.

3. Montez le premier foret sur la broche

4. Alumez la CNC et démarrez bCNC

5. dans bCNC connectez la CNC

  • Sélectionnez le menu Fichier
  • Sélectionnez le port série
  • Cliquez l'îcone Ouvrir
  • Sélectionnez le menu Contrôle
  • Cliquez le bouton Débloquer
  • Positionnez la broche à peu près au point de départ FIXME lien Jog

6. Prepare for Autoleveling

  • Sélectionnez le menu Fichier
  • Charger le fichier gcode du contour de votre circuit, cela permettra de sélectionner simplement la zone à tester pour le Auto Level.
  • Position bit to X and Y start location using Control widgets.
  • Sélectionnez le menu Sonde
  • Cliquez le sous-menu Sonde
  • Mettez à zéro X et Y en cliquant sur X=0 et Y=0
  • cliquez sur le bouton Afficher en entier“ ou (F) au clavier * Descendez le foretà quelques mm du PCB en utilisant les contrôles du jog * Mettez à zéro Z en cliquant sur Z=0 * In Probe menu, Probe section, Set the Z Pos: to -10 - this will allow the bit to go 10mm down to probe before setting off an alarm. * ATTACH PROBE CLIPS TO PCB AND TOOL BIT - FAILURE TO DO SO BEFORE PROCEEDING MAY RESULT IN A DAMAGED BIT. * Click Probe button (in Probe: section) * Zero out Z axis - Click on Z=0 * Raise Z by 1mm using jog ==== 7. Autolevel ==== * Under Probe Menu, Select Autolevel Submenu * Click on Margins - This will configure an autolevel area mapped to you gcode file limits * modify number of X/Y test points as needed by adjusting N for X and Y * set Z Min to -10 and Z Max to 0.5 - if you expect a large deviation in height across the board, set Z max to a higher value ( and perhaps consider leveling waste board and/or machine) * CONFIRM PROBE CLIPS TO PCB AND TOOL BIT - FAILURE TO DO SO BEFORE PROCEEDING MAY RESULT IN A DAMAGED BIT. * Click on Scan * Return to X/Y zero - in Command: (at bottom) enter G0 X0 Y0 * Return to Z zero - in Command: (at bottom) enter G0 Z0 * At top click at “Zero” in menu for Autolevel to adjust measured values (@vlachoudis: why this is required?) * REMOVE PROBE CONNECTION TO TOOL BIT. ==== 9. Load first Drill gcode file ==== * Under File menu select Open and select drill file * Answer no to the “Probe File modified” dialog * Answer no to the “Existing Autolevel” dialog * Optional - Select ISO view from “Change viewing Angle” widget. ==== 10. Perform Drilling operation ==== * Confirm that you've REMOVED THE PROBE CONNECTION TO THE TOOL BIT. * If manually controlling power to your router, turn it on now. * Select Control menu * Click on Start. * When drilling is complete, if manually controlling power to your router, turn it off. ==== 11. Change Tool Bit - Do this every time you change a bit, whether it be a drill, routeing, or engraving bit ==== * Raise Z to comfortable height using jog controls. * Replace Tool bit * ATTACH PROBE CLIPS TO PCB AND TOOL BIT * Lower bit to within a couple of mm of PCB using jog controls. * Select Probe Menu * Select Probe Submenu * Zero out Z by Clicking Z=0 * Click on Probe button * Zero out Z by Clicking Z=0 * Raise Z by 1mm using jog controls. * REMOVE PROBE CONNECTION TO TOOL BIT. ==== 12. If performing more Drilling operations, follow steps 10-12, with final Tool bit change being to the trace routing bit ==== ==== 13. Load trace routing gcode file ==== * Under FIle menu select Open and select trace routing gcode file * Answer no to the “Probe File modified” dialog * Answer no to the “Existing Autolevel” dialog * Optional Select preferred viewing angle. ==== 14. Change Tool Bit per step 11 ==== ==== 15. Perform Trace Routing operation ==== * Confirm that you've REMOVED THE PROBE CONNECTION TO THE TOOL BIT. * If manually controlling power to your router, turn it on now. * Select Control menu * Click on Start. * When routing is complete, if manually controlling power to your router, turn it off. ==== 16. Load Outline routing gcode file ==== * Under FIle menu select Open and select outline routing gcode file * Answer no to the “Probe File modified” dialog * Answer no to the “Existing Autolevel” dialog * Optional - Select preferred viewing angle. ==== 17. Change Tool Bit per step 12 ==== ==== 18. Perform outline Routing operation ==== * Confirm that you've REMOVED THE PROBE CONNECTION TO THE TOOL BIT.**
  • If manually controlling power to your router, turn it on now.
  • Select Control menu
  • Click on Start.
  • When routing is complete, if manually controlling power to your router, turn it off.